When it comes to emergencies, time is of the essence. However, the frustrating reality is that once you've made a distress call, you often find yourself anxiously waiting for help to arrive, unsure of what's happening in the interim.
That's where Namola stands out from the crowd.
With Namola, you not only have the reassurance of help at your fingertips, but also the comfort of knowing that you will have a dedicated operator stay on the line with you until help arrives.
Namola understands the urgency and stress that can arise during emergency situations. After logging an incident through the app, Namola's operators will promptly call you back, ensuring they have all the necessary details to assist you effectively.
Unlike traditional emergency services, Namola operators won't leave you in the dark once the initial call is made. They stay on the line, providing valuable updates and keeping you informed about the progress being made, bringing you much-needed reassurance that help is on its way.
Namola offers two plans to cater to different needs and preferences. The first is the free plan, accessible to all users. With this plan, Namola's operators will need to verify your emergency and alert the SAPS or public ambulance about your emergency. Unfortunately on the free plan, Namola will not be able to send you help if you cannot answer your phone, nor can Namola ensure a fast and reliable response time through the use of the public emergency service providers.
For those seeking an added layer of security and convenience, Namola offers the Namola Plus plan. With this subscription-based option, Namola's operators go above and beyond, dispatching private emergency response teams directly to your location, even if you're unable to answer your phone after logging an incident. This feature proves invaluable in situations where communication becomes difficult or impossible, allowing help to reach you promptly.
Namola Plus plan users enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their safety is prioritised. Whether it's due to incapacitation, loss of consciousness, or any other reason that prevents you from maintaining contact, Namola Plus ensures that professional assistance is dispatched promptly.
Download the Namola app for free here. Upgrade your plan to Namola plus, and get the first month for FREE.
Simply tap the N+ tab in your app and choose a plan that suits you and the needs of your loved ones. If you have any questions about the Namola app, tap your "SOS" button and select "Test" to speak to the operator on the other end of the line.
Namola Plus Plans
Individual Plan (1 user) - R59 per month or R 649 per annum
Couples Plan (2 users) - R 99 per month or R999 per annum
Family Plan (Up to 5 users) - R129 per month or R 1299 per annum
Get up to 50% off when you add a Namola Plus subscription to your DStv bill. Find out more here
Namola Plus plan users enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their safety doodle games